Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sail Day...08/08/07...Off to Alaska!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we are Sail Day...The views have been magnificent...The trip here from Chinook and the trip to Whistler and the getting on the ship and all have been really hitches at all...just "smooth sailing"...We are, hoping and praying, at this point that that will be indicative of the remainder of our trip...

This the view from our room just before we left...the sun was shinning and all the misty clouds that we had experienced the two days before had dissipated...We didn't know it then,but that was just a peek at what was to come for the whole week that we would be on the "Zaandam", sailing through the waters of Northern Canada ands Alaska...
Joe and Dianne...leaving their Taxi,on their way to the boarding dock...We had breakfast???at the hotel where we stayed...just a little hot breakfast...not much to write home about...but it was breakfast...

Here is another of Mike's "self portraits" ...I hate them but he seems to get them goin where ever we are...
We're sitting on the "Lido Deck, Aft" Where we would spend many delightful hours as we sailed from place to place...sometimes sipping a cocktail or two...sometimes just gazing at the beauty of the sights that each ands every moment will soon see just what I mean...Then there is the obligatory, emergency action drill...every on the whole ship has to get ready to board the lifeboats...doesn't Mike look cute...yep...he always looks cute... This picture was taken from our stateroom...I watched the planes and the watercraft for an hour or so once we were in our was beautiful...The sea planes were amazing and there were so many of them...
Just another shot out our window...I loved our window...FIRST PARTY......"THE SAIL-AWAY" Lots'a people...Sailing away from the City, looking back at the terminal and a Carnival Lines ship...They were going the same places we were...I talked to lady that was part of a whole family that was vacationing together...
Here you see us sailing under the know...the one that looks like the Golden was pretty cool...there were even folks standing on the hills around waving to us as we passed was really cool...This was Joe and Diane's State room Number


I couldn't remember it so we just took a picture of it...

Yep, we were on the "Lido Deck, Aft" having a little fun before dinner...

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