Don-cha like the bug juice in the window...
West Texas is quite like New Mexico and Arizona and Eastern, Southern're right...desert...But there were some wild flowers and it wasn't far 'till we were in Texas...We stopped in El Paso for fuel and lunch...had a great lunch at the Flying J... this happened to be a good one...for all you truckers that might read my blog (Marty), if you ever get to El Paso...the grub is good there!!!
Then there was the dreaded "Border Patrol Inspection Station" and it's Easter Weekend...Holy what do we do??? You know that those kinds of things just sends Mike into a too for that matter...They had dogs and they were searching and sniffing thies big passenger bus...right beside us...BUT...they just flagged us through!!! Hallelujah!!! The wild flowers were really gettin' pretty though...the weather was looking a little threatening...but the flowers were nice...
Here is another picture of the flowers...they are such a delicate contrast to the stark dryness of the desert...Just goes to show ya...there is always a bright side...even in the desert!!!
Some of the mountain ranges were pretty interesting though...I really was impressed with some of the formations of the rocks and the hills...We were suppose to run into snow?...sleet?...Ice?
But you is still the desert...and without the flowers it is still not very inviting...
We stayed at the Eagles Nest RV Resort...there was no other good thing in that town EXCEPT Chuy's Eatery...and not even a good one at that...but we did eat there...just cause it was Chuy's...
I have had a terrible time with the Internet It is taking quite a bit of time and patience to get this bare with me and I'll get you caught up with us as soon as I can...
But...just know...that even though, most of the time, this is lots of can also be a very "BIG" learning experience...and we're getting really usto making "Lemonade" outa lemons!!!
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