I Just couldn't resist this advertisement...it reminded me of Autumn...I know she is so sweet that she could never make a face like that...But I just laughed when I saw this little impish face...Too cute...
This park is OK...but the next time I think we will go to the "Escapee" Park just up the road...The people here aren't that friendly...in fact we have not met anyone here...But the manager did tell us, three times, that our friends couldn't park in the sites next to us...no one has been in either of those sites, (or any where around us), since we have been here but no one could park there when they came for a visit...Oh well...What ever...The evening view of the Mountains to the East is worth it all...oh yes...the spot was free too...I guess that amounts to something...
Tomorrow Morning, we will take off with Gene and Shirley to Deming, NM, for a couple of days...Gene and Shirley have been in Tucson at an Alfa (the maker of their coach) Rally...They will come by Benson and we'll fall in line and get this show down the road again...I really have "hitch-itch" this time...I'm "Ready To Roll"!!! We will make 9 stops on our way to Melbourne, FL...to see Harmony and Lukas...
We'll keep you posted along the way!!!
Yea! We will be leaving early in the morning to meet up. We are "ready to roll" also.
We sure did enjoy meeting the four of you! We're in Sierra Visa visiting grandkids and loving it. Happy travels and we sure hope to see you down the road.
Chris and Cathy
P.S. My DIL told us tonight that we are the "busiest retired people she's ever met." She needs to meet you all as well.
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